server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended partit

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended partit

#1 Post by maxdvdt »

So I'm in windows 2012 server.
I have a 21tb "disk" courtesy of multiple 4tb drives and a 3ware card.
I added 4tb drives over time and ended up with extending the volume over several partitions to make one big 21tb volume

my server died and I thought I'll recover by dropping the card in a vista x64 machine I had lying around.

I was able to "import" that dynamic disk "once" but subesquently the "volume" showed up as "invalid". so I shutdown and left it alone.

I fixed the server and dropped the array back in.

The volume shows up in SVR2012 as "invalid" and won't mount.

I'm currently in the quick scan phase of testdisk and unless it gets non linear its a 145 hours to finish the basic scan..

so I just thought I'd throw this out there in case I was lost without a chance...

thank you

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Re: server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended par

#2 Post by maxdvdt »

So further to this problem, testdisk is still churning away...

I also loaded "active@ partition Recovery" it can see the folder structure

I borrowed 21tb worth of drives from a company I work with and created a second array however Active@PR failed to create a "recovery" ...

basically what I am seeing (from active part recov) is that there are 4 chunks of data (this is what I recall)

Disk1-01 6.20TB start sector 264192 Last Sector 13325082623 looks like this was 1st
Disk1-01 3.54TB start sector 31249913856 Last Sector 39062390783 looks like this was 3rd
Disk1-03 8.35TB start sector 13325084672 Last Sector 31249911807 looks like this was 2nd
Disk1-04 3.64TB start sector 39062390784 Last Sector 46874869759 looks like this was 4th

Active Part Recov sees the directory and filenames


in laymans terms that I can understand...

I'd say we need to recreate the above 4 partitions and respan them and reintegrate the directory structure...

I guess I'll have to just wait and wait for test disk to roll with it...

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Re: server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended par

#3 Post by maxdvdt »

So now I'm at :

TestDisk 7.0-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, January 2015
Christophe GRENIER <>

Disk /dev/sdb - 23 TB / 21 TiB - CHS 2917825 255 63

The harddisk (23 TB / 21 TiB) seems too small! (< 47 TB / 43 TiB)
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...

The following partitions can't be recovered:
Partition Start End Size in sectors
> MS Data 31249913847 62499563502 31249649656
MS Data 31249913856 78124515327 46874601472
MS Data 31249916023 62499565678 31249649656
MS Data 46874869759 93749471230 46874601472

and it says the partitions can not be recovered...

at the bottom is a "continue NTFS, blocksize-4096, 15TB/14TiB"

any comments?

thank you in advance...
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Re: server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended par

#4 Post by cgrenier »

Go on next screen and try to list the files from each partition
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Re: server 2012 dyn. disk-multiple partit-1 big extended par

#5 Post by maxdvdt »

ARGH.. earlier I tried and accidently clicked out of the scan results so I had to wait another 100 hours for a reanalyse and now I just did that "again" I did manage to "P" one partition and see that it saw nothing...

I also bought "Active Partition Recovery" from

It can see the "file names" in each partion.

PhotoRec can recover my files BUT looses the filename..

PhotoRec is currently at this Point below, BUT the time to complete is going up, (its like its bogging down, its still recovering files BUT its getting slower as it does it. the bulk of the recovery was in the first 80 hours)

As bizarre as it may sound.. this chassis is not on a UPS because the UPS is what fried the PSU in the chassis (which is why I popped the array in the other computer causing this whole fiasco in the first place) so I took it off until I replaced.. and the local Utility sent us a letter a week ago saying they have a scheduled power outage on the 5th.. so I'm going to have to shut everything down anyway and restart...

PhotoRec 7.0-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, January 2015
Christophe GRENIER <>

Disk /dev/sdb - 23 TB / 21 TiB (RO) - LSI 9750-4i DISK
Partition Start End Size in sectors
3 P MS LDM Data 16 81 36 2917825 241 15 46874611645 [LDM data part

Pass 1 - Reading sector 33006679462/46874611645, 950816 files found
Elapsed time 259h36m46s - Estimated time to completion 109h04m39
mpg: 588229 recovered
jpg: 89151 recovered
txt: 51592 recovered
tif: 37791 recovered
wmf: 30737 recovered
mp3: 26112 recovered
doc: 24333 recovered
tx?: 13787 recovered
gif: 13350 recovered
exe: 11003 recovered
others: 64731 recovered