2GB SD-card incorrect size and won't recover files

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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2GB SD-card incorrect size and won't recover files

#1 Post by alessandroarzilli »

I've this Dikom 2GB SD card that blocked itself years ago when I was taking some pictures with my old Nokia N73 mobile phone.
Since then I tried to put it inside card readers in Windows and Linux, but nothing happened.
I didn't trash it and I think I did correctly, because I found your application.

When I put it into a card reader (I'm using Linux now), it doesn't mount.
If I do in a shell testdisk, it says this:

Code: Select all

Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):
 Disk /dev/sda - 750 GB / 698 GiB - SAMSUNG HD753LJ
 Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - ST1000DM003-1CH162
>Disk /dev/sdc - 2199 GB / 2048 GiB (RO) - Generic- SD/MMC

>[Proceed ]  [  Quit  ]
You notice it says 2199 GB....It's wrong! It must be MB, not GB!
How could this have happened?

If I hit Proceed, then it says:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdc - 2199 GB / 2048 GiB (RO) - Generic- SD/MMC
Write access for this media is not available.
TestDisk won't be able to modify it.
- This media may be physically write-protected, check the jumpers.

>[ Continue ] Continue even if write access isn't available
 [ Quit     ] Return to disk selection
Is there a way for me to recover all files on it?

If I use Photorec it jut takes forever and finds nothing

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdc - 2199 GB / 2048 GiB (RO) - Generic- SD/MMC
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors
   P Unknown                  0   0  1 2097151  63 32 4294967296

Pass 0 - Reading sector    3133221/4294967296, 0/10 headers found
Elapsed time 0h00m21s - Estimated time to completion 7h59m25
Error reading sector    3133221
Thank you in advance!
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Re: 2GB SD-card incorrect size and won't recover files

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Clean the connectors on the SD card. If the size is still wrong, you will have to contact a data recovery company.
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Re: 2GB SD-card incorrect size and won't recover files

#3 Post by alessandroarzilli »

Hello and thank you for your quick answer.
How should I clean the contacts? Just with a shirt or anything?
I add the fact that I was just taking some pictures with a Nokia N73...suddenly it blocked itself and from that moment onwards I never could mount it anywhere.
There's really no way to recover my files using your programs?
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Re: 2GB SD-card incorrect size and won't recover files

#4 Post by alessandroarzilli »

So, I'm guessing it's a problem of SD card geometry: for some reason it isn't showing up the correct size of the card.
I'm trying to change it, using testdisk...but what is the correct geometry that I should enter?
How many cylinders, heads and sector (size) should a microSD card have?
I maybe should try to correct its geometry and then Photorec it, right?
Plus, I noticed it says it's in RO mode.... but there's no lock on it!