Trying to recover WD 1.5tb external

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 22 Mar 2015, 09:10

Trying to recover WD 1.5tb external

#1 Post by jacensky »

Hello, im trying to recover everything on my 1.5tb HDD WD external.

I used testdisk quicksearch and deeper, and the result is this

I pushed P, and i obtain:

what could i do to recovery the maximun as possible with the original filesname?

Thank you
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Re: Trying to recover WD 1.5tb external

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Please post the testdisk.log file content.
How many partitions do you had on this disk ?
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Joined: 22 Mar 2015, 09:10

Re: Trying to recover WD 1.5tb external

#3 Post by jacensky »

The log content is really huge, 113 sheets. because i tried 3 times at least searching i think.
whre site could i upload it?

I had just one partition I remember...