seagate usb portable HD

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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seagate usb portable HD

#1 Post by MaryCruz »

All of a sudden my seagate was not recognized after working perfectly fine. Testdisk has been running for almost 24 hours now and it got to: Analyse cylinder 91201/91200: 99%
It doesn't seem to do nothing else, I don't know if I just have to wait, it seems it has not yet finished running the program but now it is just there and nothing else is happening. According to the instructions it should provide a list of possible actions, but none are listed.

Thank you for your quick help
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Re: seagate usb portable HD

#2 Post by cgrenier »

I don't know why it freeze...
Press Enter, this will stop the scan after some time.
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Re: seagate usb portable HD

#3 Post by MaryCruz »

That is what I did, but now what?