1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

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1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#1 Post by maxim »

so i recently installed a new graphics card in my system and after i booted up one of my drives shows up as 32mb raw. when i was installing the graphics card i had to remove a couple of drives because of tight spacing in my case, so maybe i touched the case with the drive?? i didnt drop it or anything like that and all the others drives are ok, its just this one. its a Samsung HD103UJ 1TB SATA drive on a Gigabyte 965P-DS4 and im using windows 7 64Bit pro.

this is was disk management says:
diskmgmt_f.png (6.36 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
and this is what testdisk says:
td2.png (13.4 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
and after quick search
td3.png (13.74 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
from what ive read so far, the 32mb must be the file cache thats being recognized as a partition. ive also read that the 32mb problem happens disproportionately often on gigabyte motherboards.. ive also read that it could be a firmware problem with the hard drive. meaning, something in the hard drive firmware must be rewritten..(?)

so is there a way to recover my files from this hard drive?

note: this drive worked perfectly before this.
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#2 Post by Fiona »

Some info already here in this topic:
http://forum.cgsecurity.org/phpBB3/part ... t4967.html
Especially the link in my last post.
Those problems are often related to Gigabyte motherboards and already pretty old.
Actually, it shouldn't occur anymore?
The reason could be another one too?
Until yet, crystaldiskinfo is not necessary.

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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#3 Post by maxim »

hello Fiona, thanks for the reply

well my gigabyte motherboard IS pretty old, so..

so from what i understand i should try these things in this order(?):
- try in another computer
- try hdat2
- try hdd capacity restore tool
- try samsung es tool

also, i forgot to mention but i tried a tool called MiniTool Power Data Recovery and this is what it looked like:
mini1.png (67.04 KiB) Viewed 5841 times
i was able to actually recover this file and it was fine. i dont know if its from the cache though??

and heres what crystal disk had to say about the drive:
cd_f_edit.png (97.18 KiB) Viewed 5841 times
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#4 Post by Fiona »

As long as your disk size is not recognized correctly, datarecovery will not work.
Did you already check for the latest BIOS update?
HDD Capacity Restore Tool would be the easiest to try.
If it's not working, you can try hdat2.
As far as I can remember, the samsung tool has had an opportunitiy like setMax to set capacity back too.
But I'm not sure, has it been a DOS tool?
Hdat2 would be probably the best solution.

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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#5 Post by maxim »

yeah i tried that recovery tool before i came here.

so hdd capacity restore tool would be the easiest but hdat2 would be the best, did i understand that right?

and yes, samsungs es tool is bootable.
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#6 Post by maxim »

so when i use HDAT2 i go into the "SET MAX" menu and enter the "NATIVE MAX ADDRESS", right? and if there is a hidden address (most likely the HPA) i remove it?
also, that hard drive isnt the newest but i should probably leave the LBA address mode in 48-bits?
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#7 Post by Fiona »

also, that hard drive isnt the newest but i should probably leave the LBA address mode in 48-bits?
Don't change it!
so when i use HDAT2 i go into the "SET MAX" menu and enter the "NATIVE MAX ADDRESS", right? and if there is a hidden address (most likely the HPA) i remove it?
Yes, exactly.
In some cases, data were immediately available.
If you got your disk size back and data are not available, you can run testdisk!
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#8 Post by maxim »

quick update:

i used HDAT2 and fixed the hard drive. in the process i bricked another one (LOL), but from what i understand i "merely" broke the mbr. im running a scan right now.

i will write a detailed report soon, right now im cleaning up the mess..
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#9 Post by maxim »

ok, so here are some details:

after failing to boot into hdat2 with the cd-image for some reason, i used a usb key with win98 boot files and hdat2 on it. i disconnected every other drive except the broken one, booted into dos and loaded hdat2. right on the first screen it tells you that it detected an hpa on the drive. in thr 'set max address' menu i set the new max address to the native size and hidden area size to 0. i left the lba address mode at 48-bits. after i saved these values i rebooted into windows and my drive was exactly as i left it. windows recognized it like before (even the drive name was the same) and all files were there.

so yeah, lesson learned, gonna back up my files from now. thanks to fiona for helping me!

and heres a pic of hdat2 in the set max address menu, right before saving
CAM00262.jpg (72.18 KiB) Viewed 5760 times
also, here are the files for the win98 usb key:
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Re: 1TB drive shows up as 32MB in BIOS

#10 Post by Fiona »

Thank you for your feedback and link on how to create a bootable usb key. :)
