cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

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cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#1 Post by bscho »

I have made a USB with ALT Linux Rescue on. I am using photorec to recover files. I am having problems mounting a USB external for the recovered files.
All it seems to allow is recovery to the original disc. In the photorec manual it says: File system from external disk may be available in a /media, /mnt or /run/media sub-directory. Mount your destination drive if necessary.

I cannot find the external disk in /media, /mnt or /run/media sub-directory. I have found the drive (called LIVE) however in /dev/disk/by-label/LIVE but it puts the recovered files in the by-label directory and not onto LIVE.

How do I mount the external drive? (It is listed in photorec but will not allow recovery to the external drive)

Help would be appreciated
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#2 Post by cgrenier »

In command line, use the "mount" command.
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#3 Post by bscho »

how do you read what is in fstab?

thanks for your help
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#4 Post by bscho »

I have the usb in the list when I first run photorec as Disk /dev/sdc usb flash drive named LIVE. Does this mean the device is mounted?

I select for the recovered files dev/disk/by-label/LIVE but when I enter this the directory / reappears
where am I going wrong?

The manual says, File system from external disk may be available in a /media, /mnt or /run/media sub-directory.
There is no disc under /media, /mnt or /run where there is no media just; mount, tmpfiles.d, udev
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#5 Post by cgrenier »

What is the output of the "mount" command ?
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#6 Post by bscho »

There is no mount command. There is dev media and mnt in the directory listing. (media mnt gives nothing) dev gives disk which gives by-label which lists the usb's none of which is accepted they return to the / directory.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#7 Post by bscho »

I am not sure I answered your post about the mount command correctly.

I'am not sure of the mount command my device is /dev/sdc what should the correct mount command be?

I did mount -t partlabel=LIVE which it accepts but still I cannot find it in the directory
I tried mount -t /dev/sdc / but it said can't find / in /etc/fstab.

I can't read fstab how do I do that?
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#8 Post by sourdough »

Just type mount at the $ prompt, what is the output?
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#9 Post by bscho »

I have typed mount
which gives
udefs on /dev type devtmpfs (rw, realtime,size=8192k,nr_inodes=451961,mode=755)
/dev/sdb1 on /image type iso9660 (ro,realtime)
/dev/loop0 on /.ro type squashfs (ro,realtime)
/dev/sdb3 on / .rw type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime, nobarrier, commit=30,min_batch_time=100000)
none on / type aufs (rw,rekatime,si=5609db57274d4794)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
runfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,relatime, size=5120k,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts tpe devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxdmode=000)
shmfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,relatime)

there is no mention of my external 500gbyte drive disk /dev/sdc which is listed under Select a media under photorec

what can I do? Sorry for the delay in the reply I have been ill.
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Re: cannot mount external drive on ALT rescue USB

#10 Post by bscho »

I have successfully mounted a Toshiba 500GB usb with a ntfs file system.
I used the command: mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /media then ran photorec

I then found the device in the media directory and it works saving the files.

I have since tried to do the same using a 64GB usb stick which has the fat32 lba file system.

I tried using the command: mount -t fat32 /dev/sdc1 /media it says there is no such file system.
Will it work with USB sticks using fat32 lba? If so what should the mount command be?