Recover deleted folders off of a NAS RAID1 disk

Using TestDisk to undelete files
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Recover deleted folders off of a NAS RAID1 disk

#1 Post by Giuanniello »

Hi all,

big emergency, I deleted two shared folders off of my RAID1 NAS, I thought it would just delete the sharing but the two folders where deleted completely if not that when I checked the free space I found out there is still the same amount of space before they were deleted so I guess files must be somewhere; I re created the two shared folders through the NAS interface, checked with TestDisk (under OS X) and found the disk (mounted on an external USB disk bay), which are now the steps to try and recover the missing files/folders?

Thank you so much
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Re: Recover deleted folders off of a NAS RAID1 disk

#2 Post by Fiona »

After deleting files or folders you shouldn't write anything to your disk, to avoid overriding of your underlying files.
What's your file system?
Most NAS using ext3/4 file system?
Did you already check TestDisk / Advanced and Undelete?
TestDisk allows to copy undeleted files and folders.
Info under TestDisk Documentation and "Recover deleted files".
Please let me know.
