Linux partitions: "Bad structure" though there is no overlap

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Linux partitions: "Bad structure" though there is no overlap

#1 Post by greg714598 »

Hi everyone,

Due to a bug created by Windows, I tried to rewrite the partitions of my hard disk with TestDisk. I had a Dual Boot environment (Windows / Ubuntu) and I had two Linux partitions (Partition type 83). A partition was with Ubuntu 13 and the other one with Ubuntu 15.04.

Although there is no overlap, I don't understand the reason why TestDisk refuses any structure that will contain my two Linux partitions: within the "Quick Search" screen, if I only select one of the two partitions, it says to me "Structure OK" but I try to select both Linux partitions, it says to me "Bad structure". May you help me?

When I try to select my two Linux partitions:

Code: Select all

TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
Christophe GRENIER <>

Disk /dev/sda - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91201 255 63
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
 P FAT32 LBA                0  32 33  3263 170 43   52428800 [RECOVERY]
 * HPFS - NTFS           3263 170 44 39744  19 19  586057728 [OS]
 P HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 195 57  196164776 [DATA]
   HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 209 31  196165632 [DATA]
>L Linux                51954 209 32 70244 108  8  293822464
 L Linux                70244 108  9 90445 190 49  324534272
 L Linux Swap           90446 195 54 91201  52 51   12120064

Structure: Bad. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to select partition.
Use Left/Right Arrow keys to CHANGE partition characteristics:
*=Primary bootable  P=Primary  L=Logical  E=Extended  D=Deleted
Keys A: add partition, L: load backup, T: change type, P: list files,
     Enter: to continueubuntu@ubuntu:~$ 
ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 150 GB / 140 GiB

When I try to only select my first Linux partition:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sda - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91201 255 63
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
 P FAT32 LBA                0  32 33  3263 170 43   52428800 [RECOVERY]
 * HPFS - NTFS           3263 170 44 39744  19 19  586057728 [OS]
 P HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 195 57  196164776 [DATA]
   HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 209 31  196165632 [DATA]
 L Linux                51954 209 32 70244 108  8  293822464
   Linux                70244 108  9 90445 190 49  324534272
>L Linux Swap           90446 195 54 91201  52 51   12120064

Structure: Ok.  Use Up/Down Arrow keys to select partition.
Use Left/Right Arrow keys to CHANGE partition characteristics:
*=Primary bootable  P=Primary  L=Logical  E=Extended  D=Deleted
Keys A: add partition, L: load backup, T: change type, 
     Enter: to continue
SWAP2 version 1, pagesize=4096, 6205 MB / 5918 MiB

When I try to only select my second Linux partition:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sda - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91201 255 63
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
 P FAT32 LBA                0  32 33  3263 170 43   52428800 [RECOVERY]
 * HPFS - NTFS           3263 170 44 39744  19 19  586057728 [OS]
 P HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 195 57  196164776 [DATA]
   HPFS - NTFS          39744  19 20 51954 209 31  196165632 [DATA]
   Linux                51954 209 32 70244 108  8  293822464
>L Linux                70244 108  9 90445 190 49  324534272
 L Linux Swap           90446 195 54 91201  52 51   12120064

Structure: Ok.  Use Up/Down Arrow keys to select partition.
Use Left/Right Arrow keys to CHANGE partition characteristics:
*=Primary bootable  P=Primary  L=Logical  E=Extended  D=Deleted
Keys A: add partition, L: load backup, T: change type, P: list files,
     Enter: to continue
ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 166 GB / 154 GiB