Unable to read data from external drive

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 27 Nov 2015, 14:46

Unable to read data from external drive

#1 Post by albin »

After I've mounted external HDD drive few times I receive window with below message

Code: Select all

Error mounting /dev/sdc1 at /media/rafal/TOSHIBA EXT:
Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o 
"uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdc1" 
"/media/rafal/TOSHIBA EXT"' exited with non-zero exit status 13:
ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed: Input/output error

Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID 
hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice. 
The usage of the /f parameter is very important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then 
first activate it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, 
(e.g. /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation for more details.
After that I run Windows and I try to execute command chkdsk /f g:, but after this I receive information that Windows cannot do anything because disk is damaged or something like that.

On linux I can read all information from disk but without any data. Please see below:

Code: Select all

# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sdc: 2000.4 GB, 2000398931968 bytes
głowic: 255, sektorów/ścieżkę: 63, cylindrów: 243201, w sumie sektorów: 3907029164
Jednostka = sektorów, czyli 1 * 512 = 512 bajtów
Rozmiar sektora (logiczny/fizyczny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Rozmiar we/wy (minimalny/optymalny) w bajtach: 512 / 512
Identyfikator dysku: 0xc881c7db

Urządzenie Rozruch   Początek      Koniec   Bloków   ID  System
/dev/sdc1   *        2048  3907028991  1953513472    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

 # ntfsfix -b /dev/sdc1 
Mounting volume... ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed: Input/output error
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Attempting to correct errors... ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed: Input/output error
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Failed to startup volume: Input/output error
Checking for self-located MFT segment... OK
ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed: Input/output error
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.

TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013

Disk /dev/sdc - 2000 GB / 1863 GiB - CHS 243201 255 63
Current partition structure:
 Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33 243201  78 13 3907026944 [TOSHIBA EXT]
TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013

Disk /dev/sdc - 2000 GB / 1863 GiB - CHS 243201 255 63
 Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33 243201  78 13 3907026944 [TOSHIBA EXT]

Boot sector
Status: OK

Backup boot sector
Status: OK

Sectors are identical.

A valid NTFS Boot sector must be present in order to access any data; 
even if the partition is not bootable.
after I click to List files

Code: Select all

TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013

 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0  32 33 243201  78 13 3907026944 [TOSHIBA EXT]

Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.
What can I do more to read data from disk?