Suddenly Unformatted External Hard Drive - 1.5TB Buffalo HDD

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 25 May 2012, 08:50

Suddenly Unformatted External Hard Drive - 1.5TB Buffalo HDD

#1 Post by stevenjp »

My external HD: Buffalo 1.5TB, connected via USB 2. Has only 1 partition that is Fat 32 (no other partitions and I've never messed with the partitions). Has over 800GB of my files/data on there.

My Comp: Dell laptop, running windows 7 Ultimate

Description of problem: The external HD was working just fine last night. But today, I reconnected and turned it on - and its not working anymore! The drive letter shows up in "my computer", but won't let me in and wants me to format it (it also shows up in device manager as healthy/active - it is the F drive).

Tried connecting it to my other comp (a MacBook Pro Snow OSX) with the same results.

I still can see my FOLDERS in the TD files area.

Thank in advance for any help you can offer.
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Last edited by stevenjp on 25 May 2012, 12:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suddenly Unformatted External Hard Drive - 1.5TB Buffalo

#2 Post by stevenjp »

more printscreen
still in progress
still in progress
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Re: Suddenly Unformatted External Hard Drive - 1.5TB Buffalo

#3 Post by stevenjp »

finished Deeper Search

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Joined: 25 May 2012, 08:50

Re: Suddenly Unformatted External Hard Drive - 1.5TB Buffalo

#4 Post by stevenjp »
