Teskdisk Closes instead of showing list of files to undelete

Using TestDisk to undelete files
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Before posting, please read https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk.pdf
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Joined: 22 Jan 2016, 13:25

Teskdisk Closes instead of showing list of files to undelete

#1 Post by stuartdn86 »


We suffered from people encrypting all of our files on my girlfriends laptop. Someone at work suggested I try testdisk to try and recover the our holiday photos.

I've tried accesses the partition and tried the undelete option but the software closes before I can do anything. Any idea what is causing this? The HDD is about 500gb

Is there any way to undelete from a particular folder?


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Re: Teskdisk Closes instead of showing list of files to unde

#2 Post by cgrenier »

You may have better results using PhotoRec who will recover pictures from all the "free" space of your partition.
Be careful to store the recovered files on another partition.
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Re: Teskdisk Closes instead of showing list of files to unde

#3 Post by stuartdn86 »


Thanks for coming back to me. I did try PhotoRec, with the HDD mounted on another machine, but it only managed to find files from internet history and none of our photos. Does it recover files in any particular order like newest first?

I ran it via the cmd line it froze mid way through. Then ran it via GUI and it went to 100% but didn't locate all the files it did via the cmd line.

Are there any particular settings I should use?

Many thanks,
