How to recover data from NAS formated drive

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#1 Post by Doinkxs »


I have not much experience with partitions and data recovery, but I have lost some data and wonder if Testdisk can help me on that.

I had HDD1 on my NAS device with data. I added HDD2, NAS automatically chose RAID option for my drives (as I know it was RAID 1) and copied all data from HDD1 to HDD2. At that moment HDD1 had all data, I was able to access it. But when I chose JBOD option, after NAS restart data from both drives were gone and I left with nothing.

NAS used SGI XFS file system and I guess just quick formated drives. Now I have drive (HDD1) with healthy XFS partition which contains no data. I have tried PhotoRec to recover files, but I get no folder structure and no names.

Can I somehow restore my data with the same names at least or maybe restore previous partition. If yes, where should I start?
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Re: How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#2 Post by remy »

Won't be easy. Perhaps possible, but hard.

What you have to keep in mind :
JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Disk) is SPACE=DISK1+DISK2 (one following the other).

After raid modification, your NAS did a quickformat to create new filesystems. You probably has written new structures on the previous ones.

Last, but not least, XFS is not easy to repair.

Take th disks outside the NAS, we don't need it for recovery. Scan the disk1 with testdisk using 6.14. Table partition : Intel. Options : expert(yes)/partition align(no).

Please give full feedback about results : Current structure / Quicksearch / Deepersearch.
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Re: How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#3 Post by Doinkxs »

Hi remy,

thanks for answer, probably you are right about NAS did a quickformat to create new filesystems, because at the end I was left just with just 4 empty folders something like 'My documents'.

just after that when NAS restarted and I noticed that data is missing I shut down NAS, took both drives out and put them in my pc. Since then nothing been written on those drives.

I am pretty sure that my case is DISK1=DISK2=Space. I had few important pictures so I ran Photorec for .jpg on both drives and it gave me similar results. I saved recovered files to DISK3, not to harm data on first two.

Here are pictures of results you asked
Disk1 current.jpg
Disk1 current.jpg (24.91 KiB) Viewed 7739 times
Disk1 quicksearch.jpg
Disk1 quicksearch.jpg (23.65 KiB) Viewed 7739 times
Disk1 deepscan.jpg
Disk1 deepscan.jpg (30.26 KiB) Viewed 7739 times
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Re: How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#4 Post by remy »

It seems you had 2 times 2TB in raid1, and partition wasn't recreated. Only filesystem reformat :( The worse, with XFS+.

I think your best chances are to use Photorec, there...
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Re: How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#5 Post by Doinkxs »

I knew is is not good :(

I scanned disk with ufsexplorer and it showed me filenames and forlders, but lots of files were corrupted or missing. PhotoRec did very fine job with jpg files, but no file or folder names. Is there any chance I can get file names with files i find with Photorec?

What are best options to choose for recovery in this case?

Can it be that recovery from Disk1 will be different as from Disk2?
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Re: How to recover data from NAS formated drive

#6 Post by remy »

For jpg, use exiftool to rename with date/brand/model....

For xfs+ undelete : nothing else you already tried. Perhaps something like that : ... H72VpTIsJw for some files ?

If your disk were both in the raid, you'll have same results. If the weren't, one is old and data will be missing. Give a try, nothing to loose there...