Large but corrupted files recovered

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Large but corrupted files recovered

#1 Post by Ximousse »

Hi all,

I didn't see any post about the same problem I encountered so I finally decided to post here :

I recently had to run PhotoRec (6.14) on a damaged HD (it won't even mount) it took quite a long time to scan the whole disk but I finally recovered a lot of files. My problem is that some of these files are huge (90Go for the biggest) and seem to be fusions of smaller files (for example in a 3 Go .mpg file I have several videos concatenated).

So is there a way to repair these files ? or did I miss an option in PhotoRec that would have prevented this ? or is my HD simply too damaged and lost beyond any hope of recovery ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Large but corrupted files recovered

#2 Post by remy »

I think this is caused by file fragmentation, and false positive detection (for biggest). You would have best chances with partition detection and filesystem recontruction using testdisk instead of photorec. Did you tried that before ? If you are not able to repair with testdisk, and there are important files you want/need to recover, consider a professional solution by sending me your disk.

If you didn't done that before , may you please scan with testdisk and post results there.
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Re: Large but corrupted files recovered

#3 Post by Ximousse »

Thank you for the tip, I'll try and post the result here.