NTFS corrupted external HD

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Joined: 12 Jul 2012, 16:21

NTFS corrupted external HD

#1 Post by scimmiettarossa »

hi... sorry if perhaps i'm repeating an already covered issue, but i didn't find useful solutions

i have an external maxtor-one-touch hd, formatted as NTFS, where the FAT seems ok, but in which some of files listed in any file manager seem "unreadable"... it seesm as the FAT points in a some-non-existing place, on in corrupted sectors...or whatever

anyway, i started testdisk, going through the usual process, when, at the quick search step, i received the message:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdd - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91202 255 63

The harddisk (750 GB / 698 GiB) seems too small! (< 1500 GB / 1397 GiB)
Check the harddisk size: HD jumpers settings, BIOS detection...

The following partition can't be recovered:
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
>  HPFS - NTFS          91200 254 63 182401 253 61 1465144001

it seems that the partition starts where it should finish, at cylinder 91200... note that, in the first row, it says CHS 91202 255 63, while other tools (gparted) refers it as CHS 91201 255 63

i tried to change geometry, but with no success

anyway, continuing with the deeper search, it says something more consistent:

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdd - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91202 255 63
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
>* HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1 91200 254 63 1465144002 [OneTouch4]
but, the following operation did not solve the problem of the files inaccessibility

any suggestion?

tnx in advance
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Re: NTFS corrupted external HD

#2 Post by Fiona »

I'd need a liitle bit more information.
Did you write your partition to your partition table?
Has been this one;
Disk /dev/sdd - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91202 255 63
Partition Start End Size in sectors
>* HPFS - NTFS 0 1 1 91200 254 63 1465144002 [OneTouch4]
I matches exactly.
If you wrote it to your partition table, then it might be possible that your partition appears as RAW, if the boot secor is damaged.
You should repair it using testdisk!
But only if your data are listed.
Start TestDisk.
Confirm through until you see the menu Analyse.
Don't confirm at Analyse but Advanced.
Confirm at Boot with enter also.
Highlight Rebuild BS and hit Enter.
Rebuild your BS will be in progress.
Normally, it takes some minutes.
If it's finished, please post the infos or upload a screen.
If you see a menu List, please highlight it and press enter.
Please let me know, do you see your data or an error message.
To get back to the previous screen, easily press q for Quit.

Infos will follow.
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Joined: 12 Jul 2012, 16:21

Re: NTFS corrupted external HD

#3 Post by scimmiettarossa »

done, but the result is the same:
files are visible in any file manager, but most of them are unreadable, or with corrupted content

Code: Select all

Disk /dev/sdd - 750 GB / 698 GiB - CHS 91201 255 63
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors
 1 * HPFS - NTFS              0   1  1 91200 254 63 1465144002 [OneTouch4]

filesystem size           1465144002
sectors_per_cluster       8
mft_lcn                   2
mftmirr_lcn               48
clusters_per_mft_record   -10
clusters_per_index_record 1
Extrapolated boot sector and current boot sector are identical.

Code: Select all

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