Corrupted superblock

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Corrupted superblock

#1 Post by triton »

I have a raid 5 array on a dell perc 5e card. The size is about 4T. The superblock appears to be damaged. Here's output from fsck
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 1220279319 blocks
The physical size of the device is 536870911 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
I ran testdisk and it suggest me to run
e2fsck -b 98304 -B 4096
I tried that without success. I tried other superblock locations and failed as well.

I can still see the files on the partition using Advanced -> List. I have copied the great majority of the files but would really like to fix this drive. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
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Re: Corrupted superblock

#2 Post by cgrenier »

The reported size for the device is about 2.6 TB instead of 4TB. I don't know how you can fix this problem but copying first your files on another support looks a very good idea.