Restored Raid HDDs Suddenly Write Protected Topic is solved

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Joined: 19 Aug 2012, 14:05

Restored Raid HDDs Suddenly Write Protected

#1 Post by Nile »

My raid partitions are both write protected for some reasons. I have an Intel ICH9R chipset on gigabyte P35-DS3R and lost my raid partitions by changing the raid setting at some point. I recovered the HDDs partitions (poorly, made a mistake the first time, got it correctly the second time), and now both HDDs are seen in the operating system as write protected.

2 hdds raid 0, 1 SSD system, 1 spare Hdd atm...

I have no options in turning this off. I tried multiple OS, Win 8 and Win 7, and I cannot do anything in both. I do not have an option to enable or disable write protection on HDDs in my bios let alone on a raid. I am not sure what to do at the moment, if you can enlighten me as to what I should try I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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Joined: 19 Aug 2012, 14:05

Re: Restored Raid HDDs Suddenly Write Protected

#2 Post by Nile »

It was easier than I thought.
1. open cmd window as admin.
2. type: diskpart
3. type: list disk
4. type: select disk #
# is the number of the disk you need to change attributes on.
This changes the focus to the disk inside the program. You don't see any change on the cmdline.
5. type: attributes disk
to see the attributes of the disk. read-only was switched on in my disk.
6. type: attributes disk clear readonly
You may need to switch readonly off on the volumes of the disk which had read-only on.
7. list volume
Do the same thing but this time clearing the volume readonly attributes.

Have a nice day.
