Dead laptop

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Dead laptop

#1 Post by Ara94 »


My laptop Froze 2 dags ago, and i had to reboot it. Sadly it sent straight to windows repair, and Won't boot or repair in Any way. So i found my copy of the ultimate bootcd wich has testdisk 6.12 on it. So i put testdisk to analyse my disk, so that it could repair the filesyjstem. But the analysis is SO SLOW. It has been nruning for 24 hours now and is only 4% done on a 500 gb disk.

It constantly says: Readerror at 2494/254/63

What am i to do?

Would it help if i took the disk out and connectede it to another pc?

Thanks :)
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Re: Dead laptop

#2 Post by cgrenier »

It looks like a hardware problem. You should try to clone your harddisk to a new empty one as described in