Of course I had a recent backup, but that would put me back to the same spot since I had in fact carefully followed all instructions already. Then I recalled

I came to your website to see if there was additional information about it, and the example and tutorial on how to use it was just about as close to my problem as I could have wished for. I followed it and presto! Just like magic, your program got me where I wanted to be. MBR scrubbed, Windows booted and old partitions gone away! I was elated. Thanks for that.

Now I have two questions in connection with this program. Firstly, while I followed the step-by-step guide on your website, I eventually got to the part for "Partition table recovery", and it happened just as described. Even so, the next part of your guide, which is labeled as "NTFS Boot sector recovery", seemed to suggest that I would have to follow some more steps before getting to the point of having to reboot. However, I don't believe my procedure showed me a part related to the boot sector recovery, but instead it jumped right to the part about rebooting. When I then rebooted, I was absolutely delighted by the sight of Win2K logon screen, just as I had left it. (I hope never to take it for granted again.)

Secondly, now that I have recovered my system and have a good MBR, does your program have a feature that allows me to back it up and restore it in the future if need be, as well as the boot sector of the NTFS partition? Thanks.