Seagate 3Tb showing as RAW

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 18 Oct 2012, 14:52

Seagate 3Tb showing as RAW

#1 Post by iqbalmia »


My apologies in advance for being a newb.
I moved all my data from a number of drives onto my new Seagate 3Tb drive.
Shutdown laptop and went home. Connected enclosure to same laptop at home and booted up. Drive came up as a RAW drive.
In a bit of a panic. Wedding pics and pics of kids amongst other files are all gone.
Techie at work instructed me to format drive and then run recovery utils.
Formatted drive as instructed (NTFS), but another friend advised me to use TestDisk.

Will I be able to recover my data, or has formatting the drive cost me everything?

Thanks in advance.

Iqbal :(
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Joined: 18 Oct 2012, 14:52

Re: Seagate 3Tb showing as RAW

#2 Post by iqbalmia »

Hi all,

Some feedback,

I was unable to recover the partition. Was able to recover a small percentage of files, but without original file names.

Busy exploring other options as I need to get back as much data as possible.

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Joined: 14 Sep 2012, 20:51

Re: Seagate 3Tb showing as RAW

#3 Post by dragonfly41 »

These reported experiences of placing all files into TB drives .. which fail .. worries me.

It is really like playing Russian Roulette if you don't have a backup.

If your original multiple hard drives are still available from where you moved the files I would first explore if the moved files in the multiple hard drives can be recovered (the original files may be recoverable even though moved).

Search "recover moved files hard drive" ... -than-move ... 78927.html

I would invest in buying another identical 3TB drive (you will need it later for backup to avoid this happening again).

A Live CD (e.g. Ubuntu Live CD) will help in recovery.

In future I would partition your TB into multiple logical partitions.