Photorec doesn't find one of partitions (partition is OK!)

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Photorec doesn't find one of partitions (partition is OK!)

#1 Post by Wojciech »

(sorry for my bad english)

I'm trying to recover some photos I deleted by mistake. My configuration: 2 x 1TB HD in RAID, divided to 4 partitions: 1x200GB (system - C:) , 3x600GB (D:, E:, G:). Photorec works great on C:, D:, G:, but it doesn't see E: partition. The E: drive is completely OK, I can see it in windows, files are OK, so why doesn't Photorec see it? I even tried to run the program from the missing partition, and it works, but still doesn's see it (although I can choose E: as a save folder for recovered files).

As You see, program is running on the drive E:
(K: is an external USB drive)
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Re: Photorec doesn't find one of partitions (partition is OK

#2 Post by cgrenier »

If the drive letter isn't displayed, select the physicaldrive0 and next the partition.