Canon 1DS TIF format file.

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Canon 1DS TIF format file.

#1 Post by ben13 »

HI, i am running Photorec 6.14, it does not seem to recognise the old format of canon raw (from the 1ds mkI) .TIF format.

Is there anything that can be done? It is picking up the fragments of the files but it registers them as hundreds of thousands of text files.

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Re: Canon 1DS TIF format file.

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Do you have the problem if you use latest PhotoRec 6.14-WIP and disable txt in FileOpts ?
If it's the case, please send me a few unmodified tif files from your camera.
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Re: Canon 1DS TIF format file.

#3 Post by pazienza88 »

same problem trying to apply your suggestion. anyway thank youvery much for having done photorec, it really saved me.