External HDD formatted

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 15 Nov 2012, 14:18

External HDD formatted

#1 Post by puchau »


I accidentally formatted my Multimedia HDD and I would like to try to recover the files, as there are some photos and videos important for me.

The point it's that I'm trying to use TestDisk, but it's diffucult to me to figure me what data is being shown

I select the HDD and before selecting the "Quick Search" option, I see the following data:

Code: Select all

Drive F: - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60800 255 63
Current partition structure:
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416

Bad relative sector.
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093

Bad relative sector.
 3 * Sys=2B               113201  29 24 147074 114 59  544175136

Bad relative sector.
 4 * SpeedStor            177063 118 26 177066 225 63      54974

Bad relative sector.
Only one partition must be bootable
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 3 * Sys=2B               113201  29 24 147074 114 59  544175136
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093
 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416
 4 * SpeedStor            177063 118 26 177066 225 63      54974
I'm going to perform the "Quick Search" and then I'll post the results here.

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Joined: 15 Nov 2012, 14:18

Formatted Multimedia HDD

#2 Post by puchau »


I accidentally formatted my Multimedia HDD and I would like to try to recover the files, as there are some photos and videos important for me.

The point it's that I'm trying to use TestDisk, but it's diffucult to me to figure me what data is being shown

I select the HDD and before selecting the "Quick Search" option, I see the following data:

Code: Select all

Drive F: - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60800 255 63
Current partition structure:
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416

Bad relative sector.
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093

Bad relative sector.
 3 * Sys=2B               113201  29 24 147074 114 59  544175136

Bad relative sector.
 4 * SpeedStor            177063 118 26 177066 225 63      54974

Bad relative sector.
Only one partition must be bootable
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 3 * Sys=2B               113201  29 24 147074 114 59  544175136
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 2 * Sys=73               119380 132 62 153270  41 37  544437093
 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416
Space conflict between the following two partitions
 1 * Sys=4F               120527  49 53 234813 237 34 1836016416
 4 * SpeedStor            177063 118 26 177066 225 63      54974
From other side, my logfile at this moment is the one attached.

I'm going to perform the "Quick Search" and then I'll post the results here.

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Re: External HDD formatted

#3 Post by cgrenier »

If you have formated the HDD, try PhotoRec instead. Select the physicaldrive instead of F: