Please help, unsure of the next step....???

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Please help, unsure of the next step....???

#1 Post by scrltrider »

I apologize in advance, I'm a 43 year old mom who's not super computer savvy but not a complete idiot either.

I moved my computer setup from one room into another and after I plugged everything back in my WD 2TB HD would not mount. (I'm on an iMac, 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 running OS 10.6.8) I've unplugged and restarted and tried the HD on another computer all to no avail. After running Disk Utility (everything was grayed out, could not even try to repair it) it looks like my HD is suddenly unformatted:

Name : WD Ext HDD 1021 Media
Type : Disk
Partition Map Scheme : Unformatted

After much searching, and admittedly a little crying, I came across Testdisk. I've run it to this point:
Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 3.40.00 PM.png
Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 3.40.00 PM.png (45.87 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
Screen shot 2012-11-19 at 6.58.09 PM.png
Screen shot 2012-11-19 at 6.58.09 PM.png (33.52 KiB) Viewed 1973 times
(I only had 1 partition)

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next? Do I Write the partition? Will that bring back my HD the way it was before with all my files and folder & their perspective names? I have mainly photos and movies on it.

Any help with this would be utterly, greatly, and very sincerely appreciated!!!

Again, I apologize for my lack of knowledge, I've been searching the internet for 2 days now trying to find a tutorial for mac users (and dummies) =)
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Re: Please help, unsure of the next step....???

#2 Post by Fiona »

Did you execute TestDisk as superuser, ,like described here; ... emen#MacOS
Please note, that you have an Intel-Mac and partition map is not intended to you.
Also, your disk size of your chosen disk, is 250 GB.
Do you find your 2 TB disk at all?
