Initialized with FAT32 formatter - files?

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Joined: 05 Jan 2013, 12:02

Initialized with FAT32 formatter - files?

#1 Post by Montor »

The day before i formatted my hard drive by mistake.

I didnt really format it, i just klicked on the button "Initialize" (Dont know what this actually means).

Anyway, right after i klicked the button a blue error screen appeared and ever since my HP notebook hasnt been able to boot.
I downloaded BootMed and tried to repair my mistake with TestDisk.
However, it seems my first partition (or hard drive??) is ok.
I analyzed the second one and it said "No partition is bootable"

Did a quick search after that and tried to open the files
The information TestDisk gave me was "Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged"

Anyone who can help me?