Partition will not mount in OS X, causes BSOD in Windows

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Partition will not mount in OS X, causes BSOD in Windows

#1 Post by supremo99 »

I have a 3TB external LaCie drive, with 2 partitions, one formatted as exFAT (which no longer mounts in OS X) and the other partition is OS X Extended (Journaled) drive which works perfectly. I have Boot Camp installed, and whenever I boot into Windows, IF my LaCie drive is plugged in while booting, Windows will not boot. If I plug my LaCie drive in after I have logged into Windows, I get a BSOD ("CACHE_MANAGER"). I am not familiar with TestDisk at all, who can help guide me through the process of trying to restore my partition?

If I missed including anything, please ask me questions about my drive/system setup
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Re: Partition will not mount in OS X, causes BSOD in Windows

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Try TestDisk, Advanced, select the partition and choose List.
If it doesn't work, use PhotoRec to recover your data. Be careful to choose [Free] instead of [Free]