Photorec custom file format (*.abc) but using no signature

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Photorec custom file format (*.abc) but using no signature

#1 Post by PeterB »

Hi there,

How do I use (Photorec ?) to recover all files with a specific custom extension (e.g. *.abc) but without specifying a particular signature? This file does not have a constant signature anywhere in its contents.

I have followed the instructions here ... o_PhotoRec

And using a null string at offset zero, but understandably that doesn't work.

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Re: Photorec custom file format (*.abc) but using no signatu

#2 Post by cgrenier »

If there is no constant specific to the file type, the data need at least to have some properties that can be use to identify the file. In this case, a programmer can add the necessary code to PhotoRec.
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Re: Photorec custom file format (*.abc) but using no signatu

#3 Post by PeterB »

The files are binary and encrypted so unfortunately the only common property is its extension. Is that at all possible to cater for by writing specific source code for PhotoRec ?
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Re: Photorec custom file format (*.abc) but using no signatu

#4 Post by cgrenier »

The only possibility will be to add some code to test the decryption of each data block and if it works, consider it's the beginning of a new file.