What after "Write to save the partition structure"

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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What after "Write to save the partition structure"

#1 Post by divbyzero »

My 1Tb HDD has too much partitions (16 or smth about it) and I don't remember which of them I'm trying to recover. TestDisk has found some of them and now I want to "Write to save the partition structure", but if the desired partition is still missing could I start an analyzing cycle again and use the Deep Search?

By another words: the operation of writing the partition structure doesn't destroy any data on lost partitions, does it?

Sorry for my English, is it clear for understanding?
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Re: What after "Write to save the partition structure"

#2 Post by Fiona »

You should mark each partition and press p to have a try to lsit your files.
If you found your partition containing your data you recover it.
In case I need more info.
In your testdisk folder you'll find the testdisk.log.
Please repeat your diagnose and copy and paste the content in your post.
So I'd be able to judge it.

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Re: What after "Write to save the partition structure"

#3 Post by divbyzero »

Fiona wrote: Please repeat your diagnose and copy and paste the content in your post.
So I'd be able to judge it.
Thanx, but I had asked for Something Completely Different (remembering of Monty Python :) )