Help me recover pictures and videos of my daughter's 1st yr

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Help me recover pictures and videos of my daughter's 1st yr

#1 Post by selectiveins »

I had a HP media smart server that crashed I have removed the internal hdd that contained pictures and videos of my daughter's 1st yr. The drive was a WD caviar 1TB internal drive.

I am trying to recover data from this drive and tried using Ubuntu and Testdisk only to find that test disk does not event detect my drive. All that shows up on test disk are my local hdd. I can hear the WD drive spin up with a clicking noise and then it stops spinning.

Any recommendation/ suggestions on how I could go about this?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Help me recover pictures and videos of my daughter's 1st

#2 Post by cgrenier »

There is a clicking noise, so it's a hardware problem, probably damaged head. You need to contact a specialized data recovery company.