Linux terminal Closed... but still running Topic is solved

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Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Mar 2013, 22:13

Linux terminal Closed... but still running

#1 Post by mgcdrd »

I am trying to recover my wife's win7 laptop from a virus that crashed her user profile. All was going well, however, after a long wait, I woke the laptop up , and discovered that the terminal window photorec was running on has closed. Viewing the processes with 'top' it is still running, and the files on the external i'm using are still being created and filled. i need to know why this happened, and what i can do to bring the terminal back up to see what is going on.

any help would be appreciated.
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Joined: 08 Sep 2012, 06:58

Re: Linux terminal Closed... but still running

#2 Post by Lito »

You could try the fg (foreground command) as described here:

fg % and the job ID number inmediately after the percent sign. You'll get that number running top as you did.

Best of luck
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Mar 2013, 22:13

Re: Linux terminal Closed... but still running

#3 Post by mgcdrd »

that was the command I had forgotten. thanks. I have been running Linux on my machines for a little over a year now but am apparently still a little new...oh well.

after a while I realized the os was based off of an older version of ubuntu, and it should have multiple work spaces. I was right and somehow it was changed from the one I was on. I just had to Ctrl alt left/right and switch. the fg command would have helped though.
