Classify/Order Recovered Files

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Posts: 3
Joined: 26 Mar 2012, 17:28

Classify/Order Recovered Files

#1 Post by cyrex »

Hello to all. Thank you for an excellent tool for file recovery. I use it when somebody makes a mistake deleting something.

I have used foremost and compared to photorec. For what I have seen photorec can recover not only more files but more formats. There is only one problem. Recovering files in photorec creates many recup_dir folders and in foremost there is a folder for each format recovered. This saves time for looking for specific types of files or knowing where to look.

Can a feature be added to the next version that makes it so photorec creates folders depending on the formatof the file. Here is an image of foremost after checking a hard drive:
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Joined: 26 Mar 2012, 17:28

Re: Classify/Order Recovered Files

#2 Post by cyrex »

An enhanced idea over the one that foremost uses would be to include categories. For example, foremost has a jpg folder for jpg files and a gif folder for gif files. This repeats for png files and any other picture files. A category could form from this called images. So a folder called images would be the parent of all image folders, something like:


That way the user know where all images are. Same goes for document files. autocad files, photoshop template files, office xls, docx, etc.. document files in general could go into a documents folder of office folder. Formats that are generally used by users in work environments.

Same goes for a sound file with only sound formats (no mp4 but only mp3, since mp4 would be a video file like avi, mkv and others).

A category system would help in finding a little bit quicker the information and be able to see it classified in a better way than foremost.

With all the formats already supported in photorec, this would again help in sorting the output.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2013, 22:30

Re: Classify/Order Recovered Files

#3 Post by wahyuadi »


I have got that itch too and scratch it at
Hope it helps.
