i accidentely deleted my MBR using testdisk can i recover :P

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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i accidentely deleted my MBR using testdisk can i recover :P

#1 Post by GBR422777 »

hello all,
i accidentely deleted my MBR using testdisk so can i recover :P?
i was meaning to delete the MBR From my friend's exthdd but i clicked on my own by mistake..u see i was in a rush:P
anw i did recover the windows bootable partition using a win7 format disk..startup repair..
but the Other Partition that holds all of my important data seems to be intact but the windows sees it of course as unallocated disk space so..?
thanks again:D
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Re: i accidentely deleted my MBR using testdisk can i recove

#2 Post by remy »

Please launch testdisk, give us first analyse feedback, and quicksearch, and deepersearch.