i need help how to get back all the photos in my folder changed to file type.
i read the description of the program:
but in my case i don't deleted this file type i mean until now i have the original copy of my Images and Video clips folders changed to file type in my memory card and another copy in my desktop.This Recovery example guides you through PhotoRec step by step to recover deleted files or lost data from a reformatted partition or corrupted file system. For lost/deleted partitions or deleted files from a FAT or NTFS file system
but my problem only is i cant open this 2 folders now because that 2 folders was already changed now to file type
so i don't know now if my photos is still there in my folders.
in my side i just want to know now what i need to do or what in this 2 program TestDisk or PhotoRec can i use to recover and get back all the photos from my folders was converted now to unknown file type
here the screen shot of my memory card now

and here some information about my problem:
Before i have 4 folders in my memory card NAME: Images , Video clips , songs , movies
then i try to transfer all the photos from my memory card to my computer
now i connect my memory card to the storage device of my computer using my card reader
to copy all the pictures in my memory card and transfer all the photos to my computer
but i make some mistakes i restart my computer and i forgot to click "SAFELY REMOVE HARDWARE"
after restarting my computer some message like this show in my monitor:
Code: Select all
Checking file system on E: The type of the file system is FAT.
One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk. Volume Serial Number is 0A34-16CA
Unrecoverable error in folder \Documents\divers. Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes 705036288 bytes in 43 recovered files. Windows has made corrections to the file system.
i mean i do not click Y OR N but after that error message show in my screen my computer
automatic go to my desktop i dont know why first i do not click anything.
Now i go to my computer to check all the files in my memory card
then i see my Images and Videos FOLDER changed to a FILE type
and i try to open my 2 FOLDER changed to FILE type to check all my photos and videos
inside in that folder if still there but i cannot open the file
when i click open this message show in my screen:
(Open With: Choose the program you want to open this file)
i try to choose some program in the list to open that FILE but the file still not open.
i see this BOOTEX.LOG in my memory card but before i don't have that BOOTEX.LOG in my memory card
and another one i save all my pictures in my Images folder i think i have 400 pictures in that folder and 20 videos
in my Video clips folder but after that 2 folders changed now to a FILE type my images file have only 64.0 KB
and my video clips have only 32.0 KB size??
Anyway here some good news for me some folders in my memory card like my SONGS and MOVIES folders still there and working fine i have problem only in my 2 folder NAME: Images and Video clips because that 2 folders changed to FILE type
My question now how to solve this problem any suggestion tips , tutorials or what program i need to use to fixed this problem?
and last if anyone here have the same problem like this before and know how to solve this problem
please help me to back all my photos thanks