Recover lost files from a Synolgy DS210j

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Joined: 13 May 2013, 09:28

Recover lost files from a Synolgy DS210j

#1 Post by LordYanaek »

Hi. After much searches i came here in hope i can recover some lost files. I have a Synology DS210j ( Marvell Kirkwood mv6281 processor). It's a 2 disks model and i have 2 1TB disks on a Raid1 volume (filesystem should be ext4). It looks like when trying to move some files inside that volume, some were deleted (i know moving files should not delete them, but i have missing files :shock: ). Those are mostly digital photos.

Looks like PhotoRec is exactly the tool i need for this task, but then comes the hard part. I don't find a compiled version of PhotoRec for that particular architecture. Compiling it myself might be possible, but ideally with someone to guide me.

Another , probably easier, option would be to mount the disks on my PC, a kUbuntu 13.04 / Windows 8 dual boot machine that should run photorec without issues. However i already tried to mount one of the disks under kUbuntu without success. I tried to mount it using a SATA to USB dock to avoid messing with my internal disks, that might be what caused the failure. I can put one of the raid disks inside the PC, or even both but i would have to unplugg some SATA devices for this :roll:
Is there something specific i need to be aware of before trying to recover in order to maximize the chances? And should i put both disks inside the PC or am i safe with only one? I don't have much space left on my system disk either so there might be some issues if i need to copy the recovered files to that disk so if i can save a SATA connection for another disk, it would help me.
Also, how long would the process take? If i need to let the computer run for several days i'm better putting it somewhere else.