Search in specific folder for specific filetype? Topic is solved

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Search in specific folder for specific filetype?

#1 Post by MjWoNeR »


Is it possible to set Photorec to only search in the desktop folder and recycle bin and recover only.TXT files?

If yes how do I do it?
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Re: Search in specific folder for specific filetype?

#2 Post by Fiona »

Unfortunately it's not possible to search a single folder.
Only free space or while disk.
You can go to File Opt and press s to deselct all file types.
Then you can select only those file types where you want to recover.
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Re: Search in specific folder for specific filetype?

#3 Post by MjWoNeR »

Thanks for the reply. :)

I managed to recover one of the two .txt files. The other one was overwritten. Better than nothing.