GPT Partition in a windows 8 Asus

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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GPT Partition in a windows 8 Asus

#1 Post by ITTech »

I am currently working on my nephews laptop and was attempting to put Windows 7 Pro onto it. Because of the BIOS setup i had several issues with the laptop locking up during install. In the course of attempting to work around this i "Cleaned" the original Windows 8 hard drive with the disk part, listdisk utility. Now the laptop nor my desktop see it as an unallocated hard drive. I used the testdisk utility and it sees all the files, but I'm unsure how to get it to recover these files so that I can put it back into this laptop and have it load up once again.

Can someone give me an idea as to how I would restore a clean GPT partition so that the laptop recognizes all the partitions and I can actually properly ghost this drive like I was intending to do.

Any assistance is appreciated!

Thanks! :cry:
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Re: GPT Partition in a windows 8 Asus

#2 Post by cgrenier »

All the partitions you want to recover must be set to P(rimary), use the arrow keys to switch them from D(eleted) to P(rimary) if necessary. When the partition list if ok, go on next screen, choose Write, confirm, Quit and restart your computer.