One partition dont want to recovery

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 10 Jul 2013, 14:09

One partition dont want to recovery

#1 Post by bafspace »

Hello guys, at first I want to thank you for great program! It helped me a lot! But still I need small help if its possible.

I will describe my problem: My notebook crashed and Lenovo (ideapad U410, windows 8) before sending it to warranty told me that I have to send notebook to some company which can recover my data. Guys from that company called me several times and asked me if I used some encryption (NO) and finally said that data is not possible to recover. When my notebook came back to me I opened it (because they broke Lenovo stickers on screws.-)) and I took HDD out and I connected to other computer via SATA-USB adapter. Then I recovered two of three disks on HDD due to TestDisk.-). Third partition I cannot do and I dont know why. I recovered all data via PhotoRec but that is huge mash of 240gb, no names, no folders.

I attach TestDisk log file and printscreens of steps I do when I want to recover data from third disk.

Could you please anybody check it and suggest me any solution how to recover data from that disk?

Thank you for any help!