Accidently formatted, possible to recover files

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Accidently formatted, possible to recover files

#1 Post by eric1905 »

Hi, inserted my 3tb disk in my new NAS. I'm new to this so I didn't know that the disk will be formatted. Now I'm trying to get my data back and downloaded Parted Magic. After running GParted it says that the disk is unallocated.

Then I run testdisk und analyzed it, then the failure "bad relative sector no partition is bootable" appeared. After running Quick Search, which didn't find the partition I run Deeper Search. Now theres at the beginning of the search
HPFS - NTFS 2 14 13 45600 40 8 732533504 [Volume]

Is this my partition? Can i stop deeper search? Am I on the right way to get my data back?
Hope for help!
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Re: Accidently formatted, possible to recover files

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Select this partition and press 'p'. If you can see your files, it's your partition ;-)
If you have problems, please post the whole testdisk.log file