Corrupt Master File Table

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Corrupt Master File Table

#1 Post by kublait »

I have HP Pavilion Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. It's connected to a Drobo external hard drive via firewire.

The Drobo is formatted for 16 TB but contain 5+ TB of data. I had a power failure last night and now windows does not recognize the Drobo. I ran chkdsk and learned that the MFT is corrupt. Contacted Drobo tech support and was told to try data recovery with 3rd party tools (Stellar Phoenix, R-Studio, Data Recovery Wizard, Data Rescue PC). Once the data is recovered then reformat the Drobo and move the data back. Unfortunately I can not afford to purchase new 5+ TB external drive(s).

I googled corrupt MFT and found TestDisk. I follow the step-by-step instructions.
TestDisk found the drive Image

however I only have 1 partition Image.

This is the next result after running Quick Search

I'm not sure as to the next step. Do I add another partition? Where's the options to recover the MFT? Can someone please help?
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Re: Corrupt Master File Table

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Run TestDisk, Advanced, Boot, RepairMFT MFT.
If Boot isn't listed, use Type, confirm MS Data and select NTFS on the next screen.