Deleted Partition on 3TB Drive

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Deleted Partition on 3TB Drive

#1 Post by dsmith00 »


I installed Linux Mint on an external drive trying to move away from Windows 7. In the process I accidentally deleted the partition on an internal 3TB data drive. After some searching on Google, I found testdisk and photorec. After attempting (what I thought would be an easy fix) to recover my partion, I think I screwed it up even more.

I have a few screen shots of my results, plus I posted a video on YouTube with the results of the deep scan. I am not going any further until I can get some advice... I have already recovered my data using photorec, but I really would like to restore this drive back to the way it was. Thank you for taking the time to look at this post.
DiskTest First Screen
DiskTest First Screen
disktest_first_screen.jpeg (82.83 KiB) Viewed 1745 times
Quick Scan Results
Quick Scan Results
quick_scan.jpeg (64.58 KiB) Viewed 1745 times
After Deep Scan
After Deep Scan
After Deepscan.jpeg (88.6 KiB) Viewed 1745 times
Here is a link to a video of my final results after deep scan:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Deleted Partition on 3TB Drive

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Use 'p' to list the content of each NTFS partition. Once you know which one are corrects, use the arrow keys to
switch the partition you want to keep/recover from D(eleted) to P(rimary) or L(ogical). On next screen, if all partitions are listed, choose Write, confirm, Quit and restart your computer.