Cf card recovery of canon 5dmkII files

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Cf card recovery of canon 5dmkII files

#1 Post by wolfy »

I have been having a long a frustrating time trying to access the files on a corrupt Sandisk 16gb cf card.

This test disk sounds like amazing software but I'm getting nothing out of it.

No partition is found no matter what I do.

What are you supposed to do with that and get past this block?

I've tried quick search and deep search and both come up with nothing.

I also have 2 version of the same disk but with one having (RO) at the end. What does this mean?

It's very frustrating that there isn't a better guide for this software so more people can use it.

I was logged in as sudo.

I'm using a MacBook Pro.

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Re: Cf card recovery of canon 5dmkII files

#2 Post by cgrenier »

RO=Read Only. Mac OS X locks device in read-only mode when a partition from the disk is currently mounted.
Have you try to recover your data with PhotoRec ? If the filesystem is corrupted, choose [Whole] instead of [Free] when asked.