replacing ntoskrnl.exe leads to corrupted filesystem

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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replacing ntoskrnl.exe leads to corrupted filesystem

#1 Post by damask »

hi everyone.

i hope im in the right subforum.
so i bought an ssd along with win7 a few days ago and already i have messed up 2 hard drives. since those are two different issues im gonna make a new thread for the other one, starting with the "easier" problem.

i did a bunch of fiddling around with the dual boot manager and easybcd and i mustve gone wrong somewhere cause the old xp drive wouldnt boot anymore. it said the ntoskrnl.exe was missing - no idea how that happened. i just rewrote the boot record a few times, testing something and then it stopped working. long story short, while in recovery console, i copied a file from the xp install disk onto the hard drive, probably corrupting a few sectors and now the filesystem isnt being recognized anymore. i found testdisk and came this far:
Untitled-1.png (12.88 KiB) Viewed 1334 times
this is after the deep search

Untitled-2.png (14.96 KiB) Viewed 1334 times
this is one step after the last one, where i am stuck right now

unfortunately, when i list the files, it just gives me the recycler. the hdd/partition size is right however. so should i just set the number of heads to 255 and analyze again?

i hope the question isnt too simple, but i really dont want to mess this up even further. any help would be appreciated.