Newbie-Question- running photorec

Using PhotoRec to recover lost data
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Newbie-Question- running photorec

#1 Post by mraw »

Hi all,
I accidently deleted my "archive" folder( 50gb) on my QNAP. Getting back only some of the files would be great.
I try to get it back using ... p-nas.html
I never used Linux, so it is tough job to get a long. I'm stuck at "Run PhotoRec (photorec_static) in the shell by issuing a ./photorec_static command"

I used chmod to get all rights, then I type: ./photorec_static
-sh: ./photorec_static: cannot execute binary file
is returned to me.( I am in the folder where I unzipped the files: ...../rec)
Anybody here to help this poor dumb WINuser out of his mess? Thanks in advance
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Re: Newbie-Question- running photorec

#2 Post by cgrenier »

You are probably running a version not adapted for your QNAP processor, it's why it failed.
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Re: Newbie-Question- running photorec

#3 Post by mraw »

I got a Qnap ts-412 with a Marvel CPU- the Qnap in the blog runs on Intels Atom: That's the reason?
Is there photoRec-version for my needs?