USB Flashdrive lost partition

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Nov 2013, 23:32

USB Flashdrive lost partition

#1 Post by Melerland7 »

My wife's USB lost the partition info and I'm trying to recover it using TestDisk. In windows it states nothing there however when I do a properties there is 1.81 GB Used Space so I know that here data is still there.

TestDisk see's the drive as:

Disk /dev/sdf - 8178 MB / 7800 MiB - Generric Flash Drive
Intel/PC Partition
1 P FAT32 Start - 0 90 19, End - 994 91 57, Size in Sectors - 15968712 [No Name]
Warning: Bad ending cylinder (CHS and LBA don't match)
No partition is bootable

Quick search
Disk /dev/sdf - 8178 MB / 7800 MiB - CHS 944 255 63
L FAT32 Start - 0 90 19, End - 994 91 57, Size in sectors - 15968712 [no name]

Enter has two partitions
Partition Start End Size in sectors
1 E extended 0 1 1 994 91 57 15974337
5 L FAT32 0 90 19 994 91 57 15968712 [no name]

Deeper search reveals
Analyse cylinders - 993
FAT32 0 90 19 994 91 57 15968712 [no name]

What do I do now? Need help.


Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Nov 2013, 23:32

Re: USB Flashdrive lost partition

#2 Post by Melerland7 »

Does anyone out there have any help? This is confusing for me and I know the data is still there but can't get to it.
