File Recovery issue

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 05 Dec 2013, 14:31

File Recovery issue

#1 Post by rdent8 »

Hey everyone, my external hd, which is a 500GB Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex recently became inaccessible, asking me to format the drive. Shortly before this happened many of the images and videos on the drive weren't responding. I mainly just wanted all of my data back but it would be cool if I am able to restore the drive. I tried other programs like getdataback but I just encountered disk read errors. I was told by many my data was gone, and I'm awful at this sort of stuff, but I recovered some of my files with testdisk/photorec so far. In testdisk the drive appears correctly as drive k and an physical drive. I didn't work on the physical because it gave nothing but disk read errors.
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