Lost Linux Ubuntu Partition

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Lost Linux Ubuntu Partition

#1 Post by mvalerio33 »

Hello peaple, i had the following :
netbook with dual boot, windows 7 and ubuntu
something happen (kids) that the windows partition disappear, from ubuntu you could not see any file anymore, in properties you see size 107 Gb and used 92 Gb
I try to repair the windows partition with testdisk and i lost the ubuntu partition.
when i boot it appaears grub rescue, it did not find thye linux partition anymore
using the pendrive ubuntu to boot and testdisk_static i see 5 partitions:
2 -P Fat32 LBA
4 - E estended LBA must de the linux
5 - L Linux swap

If someone could help i woul be very happy