Stuck in DRMK 8.00 after Partition Recovery!

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Stuck in DRMK 8.00 after Partition Recovery!

#1 Post by Animalghosts »

So in this computer I have lot of important files from so many years and been meaning to back up, but its so old!(Dell B110) Also its at my dads and dont go there to much, so I found out my brother came by my dads and reformatted my computer to Windows 7(originally on XP) without my permission because my dad couldn't watch the NBA.

So I got to my dads today and freaked out, and fount Testdisk, so I followed the steps, except for the fact you have to alter the partition with Dell computers or something like that.
So once I restarted. I got stuck in the DRMK loading screen, thinking it was my drive acting so I turned it off, then afterward I thought is was taking long from Testdisk doing the recovery process but it isn't.

So being in this DRMK loading screen, I can't go into safemode or anything. Also I run on IDE cables.

The only thing I know about fixing it if from altering the partitions of the dell. Which I don't understand and about some sort of fix with the recovery command, if you have the startup disk but Dell doesn't give that out
Lastly, I heard if your computer is formatted or partitioned twice you cant get your files back, if this is true then I would be hanging on by a thread with options.

Thanks guys! I would definitely appreciate the help :) and sorry for my grammar.
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Re: Stuck in DRMK 8.00 after Partition Recovery!

#2 Post by Fiona »

If you can't boot, you can run a Knoppix Live CD.
In case you can use a handy or camera to make some low resolution images and upload them.
Important would be TestDisk / Analyse, it displays your current partition table (current partition structur).

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Re: Stuck in DRMK 8.00 after Partition Recovery!

#3 Post by Animalghosts »

Will try that, thanks, just need to get back to my fathers.
I also heard something about control+f11 or something. I think is some thing where I can run a few command to help me boot
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Re: Stuck in DRMK 8.00 after Partition Recovery!

#4 Post by Fiona »

Might be possible that you can choose another boot device.
I'd need info from Analyse ande your current partition strucure!
