Need help with LaCie Rugged partition recovery

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 22 Jul 2014, 03:58

Need help with LaCie Rugged partition recovery

#1 Post by ribena »

I need help with saving a "1TB LaCie Rugged Triple USB 3/FW800" external HDD. This disk contained 2 partitions, the main one was a mac HFS partition named "LaCie" and the second one was LaCie's own "LaCie Share" partition (type unknown) which contained LaCie's admin software. I decided to remove that second partition through Apple's Disk Utility by selecting it and 'erasing free space' (zero-ing all the data on it). This process appeared to hang so after a while i quit out of Disk Utility. The drive now shows up with a single empty partition named LaCie.

Can I use testdisk to recover my data? What steps should I take? I can't figure out what drive is inside the casing so do not know for sure the geometry.

Thanks in advance.

PS - I also speak French if it suits Christophe or any of your team better. Merci d'avance!