My 3To is recognized like 3Go

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#1 Post by TomSawyer »


My 3To Seagate was not recognized anymore by explorer, Disk Manager show me it becomes raw file and the partition size is just 3Go now. Strange nah?!

I did a deep analyze with Test Disk, it take 12 hours, there are obviously “Read error”
Screenshot (389).jpg
Screenshot (389).jpg (71.43 KiB) Viewed 6358 times
After that I have choose “Add Partition” but now I don’t really know which values write in there, to try to find out my old NTFS partitions?
Screenshot (390).jpg
Screenshot (390).jpg (76.06 KiB) Viewed 6358 times
Have some advice?

Thank You.
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#2 Post by Fiona »

Did you use TestDisk 64bit?
TestDisk 32bit is recommended.
Under disk selection you should select your Disk instead of a Drive.
How is your disk listed?
Can you upload a screen shot from your disk selection?
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#3 Post by TomSawyer »

Hi, Thank you for your prompt reply ^^

Yeah i used 64bits version, ok i download it right now! I gonna try again this night.

I selected Disk, i can't see the drive anyway. The highlight disk should be a 3To disk and have 3 partitions. :|
Screenshot (408).jpg
Screenshot (408).jpg (98.41 KiB) Viewed 6352 times
And that's a part of my log. Hope you can find out something relevant ^^

Fri Oct 03 23:53:27 2014
Command line: TestDisk

TestDisk 7.0-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, August 2014
Christophe GRENIER <>
OS: Windows WorkStation 6.2.9200
Compiler: GCC 4.8, MinGW 3.11
Compilation date: Sep 25 2014 08:47:10
ext2fs lib: none, ntfs lib: 10:0:0, reiserfs lib: none, ewf lib: 20120504
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive0)=2000398934016
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive1)=4142054400
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\PhysicalDrive2)=3000592982016
disk_get_size_win32 IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO(\\.\C:)=2000029745152
Hard disk list
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive0 - 2000 GB / 1863 GiB - CHS 243201 255 63, sector size=512
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 4142 MB / 3950 MiB - CHS 503 255 63, sector size=512
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive2 - 3000 GB / 2794 GiB - CHS 364801 255 63, sector size=512
Drive C: - 2000 GB / 1862 GiB - CHS 243156 255 63, sector size=512

Partition table type default to Intel
Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 4142 MB / 3950 MiB
Partition table type: Intel

Interface Advanced
New options :
Dump : No
Align partition: Yes
Expert mode : No

Analyse Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 4142 MB / 3950 MiB - CHS 503 255 63
Current partition structure:

Partition: Read error

Disk \\.\PhysicalDrive1 - 4142 MB / 3950 MiB - CHS 503 255 63
file_win32_pread(148,16,buffer,32(0/0/33)) read err: read after end of file
file_win32_pread(148,3,buffer,48(0/0/49)) read err: read after end of file
file_win32_pread(148,3,buffer,95(0/1/33)) read err: read after end of file
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#4 Post by Fiona »

Did you use testdisk 64bit again?
Your disk selection looks like?

Also the size of your selected disk is 4 MB only.
That disk below displays 3 TB.
Would it be possible that the size of your disk is wrong?
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#5 Post by TomSawyer »

This time I’ve used 32bit version, it tells me exactly the same thing about it. u_u
Screenshot (448).jpg
Screenshot (448).jpg (77.03 KiB) Viewed 6318 times
The disk previously selected looks like this :
DSC06649.jpg (48.98 KiB) Viewed 6318 times
Yes Fiona you point out the right issue, size is badly wrong! >.<

The empty 3To disk below is there to host clone or files from the crashed disk. But obviously I can’t access yet :/

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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#6 Post by Fiona »

You should check your disk, using the diagnose tool first.
In some cases, manufacturer offer an opportunity to set your disk capacity back.
It's often called something like setMAX.
Also check for a firmware upgrade.
If it doesn't help you should make a diagnose using HDD Capacity Restore Tool and hdat2.
Hdat2 is the most reliable tool but runs from a DOS-boot-cd.
hdat2 has 2 options like SetMAX and delete HPA (host protectetd Area).
You'll find some Info here: ... n-t32.html
HDD capacity resore tool is the easiest to use, but didn't work as far in all cases.
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#7 Post by TomSawyer »

Thanks for your suggestions ^__^

So, I’ve check the integrity of disk with Seatools provide from Seagate, it won’t recognize it on DOS cause SMART don’t either i guess! ... 3EROa?dl=0

The firmware upgrade stuck there ... 9olda?dl=0 :x

HDD Cpacity Restore didn’t work on windows 8.1 and it’s rlly pain in ass to install proper XP this time lol I’ll try again tomorrow! ... jDgPa?dl=0 :?

SetMax option on Hdat2 don’t appear for me… :( ... Jaq2a?dl=0

I also tried Hdparm on Ubuntu, I’ve some same kind of result, that’s hopeless…. :cry: ... SHDpa?dl=0

And Hdd Regenerator who find plenty of bad sectors but can't regenerate single one :/ ... vjYYa?dl=0

Btw I have some question, when I open Disk Manager on Windows it ask me to create a Mbr or Gpt table on the disk, can I do that without lost files? May it help for something to do that?
In bios the default hdd setting is AHCI but I can choose between IDE or AHCI, wht should I do?

Hope you find some clues about that ^^
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#8 Post by Fiona »

Please change your BIOS settings to IDE instead of AHCI and have another try.
It's only intended to boot from hdat2 and afterwards you can set it back to AHCI.
Please let me know did you achieve better results?
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Re: My 3To is recognized like 3Go

#9 Post by TomSawyer »

It’s done! I have some different result, “Set Max” Option appears this time but there are an error u_u
You see it detects “Size_Error” ... 3.jpg?dl=0

When I press “Set_Max” I have this red error message! :cry: ... 6.jpg?dl=0

I give you the log of test. ... Y.TXT?dl=0

Should I try HDD Regenerator again with this IDE setting?
