Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

Using TestDisk to repair the filesystem
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Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

#1 Post by rserpa »

This is on a Intel Mac.
I unplugged the drive from my Asus router after their Disk Utility feature had found problems with the drive. I plugged to my Intel Macbook Pro and ran the Apple Disk Utility and got this:
"partition map check failed because no slices were found"
So I heard about TestDisk. I downloaded it. When I open the file, it opens under the terminal utility. I accept to log record, then I get a message:
"write access for this media is not available" - TestDisk can only read but not write.
I chose the EFI option, it provides some information, but since it cannot write (make any changes to the drive). I don't know where to go from there. What is the next step? Should the software be able to write also, so it can repair??
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Re: Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

#2 Post by cgrenier »

Your disk is in read only mode because a partition from this disk is mounted by Mac OS X.
You need to umount this volume without ejecting the disk.
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Re: Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

#3 Post by rserpa »

Ok I got through the scans, including deep scan. It is showing a ton of partitions it can't recover. Now it is asking me to choose between add partition, load backup (which I don't have) and change type. How should I proceed to try and fix my drive and recover the partition map the drive had?
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Re: Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

#4 Post by JQCoburn »

I got similar results when I had the sector size in testdisk set wrong. You might double check the sector size of your disk and set testdisk to match that.
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Re: Using TestDisk to recover data on external drive

#5 Post by rserpa »

So I was not supposed to get that? What is supposed to look like when is right?