Help with partition types

How to use TestDisk to recover lost partition
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Joined: 07 Feb 2015, 17:37

Help with partition types

#1 Post by jackdup »

Attached is a screen capture from TESTDISK and it appears everything on the drive is intact but I believe in order to write all of the partitions I need to specify the type of partition for each of them so would appreciate someone's assistance in telling me what the types for each of the partitions is. I don't know if it makes any difference but the Samsung Rec partitions are not visible when the drive is booted.

Thank you

I just tried adding the type to the different partitions and no matter what type of partition I mark the first two as (the Windows RE tools and the system) if gives a structure bad message.

I should also not the drive is actually a Windows 8.1 drive and have it installed in a Windows 7 computer which is why the OS in the log shows Windows 7.

Attached is the log. I tried pasting it however received a message it was 70878 characters and the maximum allowed characters is 60000

I tried to attach the log and received a message the extension log is not allowed so if someone can tell me how to submit the log I will do that.

Thank you
PARTITIONS.JPG (100.54 KiB) Viewed 1587 times